The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.
—William James
Last night I completed reading this amazing book named “Attitude is everything” written by Jeff Keller. From the moment I started reading till the moment I read its last chapter, I realized how pessimistic my attitude was towards everything. Earlier I use to wonder why am I always surrounded by wrong people, why all wrong things happen to me, why I always end up getting hurt, why do I always feel sad and my energy level is low, why, why, why,,,,,, . I cannot believe that a few days back, this was me with all these questions impatiently looking for answers from others, judging and underestimating myself from other’s point of view, whereas, all the answers were right here in my own head. You know, whenever we come across any problem we tend to focus more on the PROBLEM instead of focusing on finding a solution. This book helped me to self-introspect and analyse my attitude and my actions because that is the main reason behind every problem.
So, I would like to share a few things which I found really helpful –
You are not what you think you are. But what you think YOU ARE!
—Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
Never think less of yourself, because the moment you start underestimating yourself you start doubting your own capabilities and this leads to lack of CONFIDENCE. Sometimes, we don’t realize that it’s you who said negative things and once you start doubting yourself this attitude comes into a habit and hence, leading to various life problems like anxiety, inferiority complex, doubtful behavior etc.. .
So, think positive about yourself and that’s what you will become.
Think, act and talk with enthusiasm and you’ll attract positive results.
—Michael LeBoeuf
I know what it’s like to have a negative attitude because that’s what kind of attitude I was carrying for last 10 years. I know what it’s like to doubt yourself and live with that anxious feeling, but if determine you to practice positivity you will attract positive results.
When you THINK, SPEAK and ACT in ways that support your success, you’re firing on all cylinders... and on the way to achieving phenomenal results in your life.
Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again.
— Henry Ford
We are always afraid of failure but, do you know, that failure is the step one towards success. It is said that Edison failed for almost 1000 times while inventing the light bulb, but he never let his failure stop him from doing his work, on the other hand, if we see, he invented 1000 ways by which we cannot invent the light bulb.
Troubles, like babies, grow larger by nursing.
— Lady Holland
How do you feel when someone unloads all of his problems and complaints on you? Not very uplifting and energizing, is it?
The truth is, nobody likes to be around a complainer — except, perhaps, other complainers. Of course, all of us complain at one time or another. The important question is: How often do you complain?
If you’re wondering whether you complain too much, simply ask your friends, relatives or co-workers. They’ll let you know. Now, when I say “complain,” I’m not talking about those instances when you discuss your problems in an attempt to search for solutions. That’s constructive and commendable. And I’m not referring to those occasions when you share your life experiences (including disappointments) with friends or relatives in the context of bringing them up to date on the latest developments in your life. After all, part of being human is sharing our experiences and supporting each other.